Small Business

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Divorce is a dreadful event emotionally for everyone involved, but it also has a huge financial impact on Australians due to our family law arrangements.

When it comes to splitting assets, everything can be considered part of the matrimonial asset pool:  the home, investments, savings, and even your superannuation.

Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) indicates that around half of all marriages end in divorce with 47,000 divorces granted in Australia each year.  When you consider this figure doesn’t include defacto couple break-ups it’s easy to see how many people are impacted by the financial ramifications of relationship breakdowns.

Financial Advice for Divorce

Rebuilding your life financially and emotionally after divorce and relationship breakdown is a difficult task.  In addition to the emotional impact, your divorce and separation also has financial ramifications.  Whether you were the main income earner in the household, or a stay at home mum, your financial status has changed as a result of the separation and you need to ensure that your assumptions are realistic going forward.  To start rebuilding your life you need to start with a budget to ensure that you have an accurate idea about your new cost of living.  Many people find that an experienced financial planner can assist them in this rebuilding phase to:

assess your income and expenses and develop a budget moving forward
help you to identify your financial goals – it is likely that these will have changed now that you are divorced
formulate a financial plan to help you secure your financial future through appropriate investing and life insurance.  This may incorporate any funds received from your financial settlement.

Many people who divorce find that the financial impact can set them back years.  This is particularly evident where divorce occurs later in your working life – you have less time to rebuild your finances before retirement.  By getting the advice of a financial planner experienced in divorce and separation, you can make the most of a difficult situation and start getting your financial life back on track.

For more information about how to rebuild your finances after divorce, download our free ebook Divorce and Separation.  In it you’ll find some great information to help you.

Financial Spectrum is an independently owned financial planning firm based in Sydney Australia.? For more information about us and how we can help, visit us at?

Many people don’t understand the concept of online personal finance. This is because up until recently, the only way for many people to deal with their finances was through hand written calculations, hand-written reminders, and by dealing with their bank. Well this has all changed with the use of online personal finance programs, not only do online finance programs allow customers to track all aspects of their finances but with many programs these services are free!

The best thing about online personal finance software is that it isn’t like doing business with a person. The services that it provides are available at anytime of the day or night, as long as you have an Internet connection. This means you can check on your bank accounts, credit cards, payments, and investment accounts from anywhere in the country, even out of the country if you have proper internet connection. Another benefit to using personal finance software is that is it normally quick and easy to use. The layouts of the programs used are very easy to follow so if you aren’t the most tech-savvy person there is no need to worry. Also, signing up for online financing software is very easy it takes less than 10 minutes and the benefits can help you for the rest of your life.

If you are nervous about using the internet to deal with your finances there is no need to worry. Many Online Personal Finance software programs use the same protection and security that banks use, this lowers the chances that your personal information could be leaked through the internet into another person’s hands. For services like this one of the top priorities is the safety of the clients money and making sure that it is kept private. Also, it is very unlikely that with any online personal finance software programs that you will be allowed to move money in and out of accounts. The goal of this software is to help you keep track of your money, not move it around. This should make you feel better about the use of the program.

Another huge benefit to using online personal finance software is that at any time of the day your information is up to date and ready to be looked at. This can be a great tool if you are in the supermarket and don’t know if you have the money to spend on a few additional groceries. This can be a great budgeting tool when you are looking to save money, especially right now with the economy in such poor shape. Using this software to budget and calculate your money will help you stay on top of your priorities.

Jeff Nelson gives advice on money management. His advice helps you to eliminate your debt faster. To make online budgeting easy and set up your Online Personal Finance for each category you are targeting, visit

Are you one of the many people who wake up and dread the daily drive to work? One of the thousands of people who dream of the day when they are not a slave to the alarm clock? Or are you tired of being in debt? Do you dream of a better house/new car?

Every time your boss tells You! that You! must give up Your! plans as some project must be completed, but he must go because he has promised to take his wife to some dinner party. You dream of the benefits of being the owner of your own home business.

Is this you?

Thousands imagine of what it would be like to own their very own successful business, financial Independence, and with that comes personal freedom, but few think of the sacrifices that have to be made in order to make the dream a reality, don`t let that be you.

Before you embark on any home business ownership, you need to ask yourself some important questions, but more importantly you need to be completely honest with your answers.

For a home business to work as with anything, you must be willing to put in time and effort. In this world there is no such thing as money for nothing. A home business will allow flexibility with your hours, provide you with more time with your family, and a virtually unlimited income potential, but you will earn only as much as the time and effort you put into it. A home business is a great choice for parents who want to stay at home, and earn money while their kids are at school. A home business can also be the ideal solution for somebody who works, but is looking to earn some extra money. Its up to you, “you” set your own agenda!

Have you the discipline to work contentedly on your own, at home, ignoring all the distractions the home as to offer. Don`t need others telling you what to do and when to do it, if so a home business could be perfect for you, enabling you to live the life you have always dreamt of.

The most important ingredient to succeeding when you start a home business is you! Have you the self motivation you will need to be able to push yourself especially when opportunities have not worked out. But with every new sale your enthusiasm will be reinforced, remember success breeds success, the opportunities are limitless.

The speed and level of success you reach will be mainly down to the time and effort that you devote to your new home business. Three key skills will come into play, your organisational, planning, and marketing skills, which everybody possesses to some degree, as your business develops, these skills will develop accordingly. Everybody suffers from setbacks time to time in their endeavours, even the most successful people still do, but they don`t dwell on them don`t you, just move on to your next success and you and your business will be much the stronger for the experience.

Now your the boss of your own home business, it will allow you the freedom to do many things that you would never have been permitted to do whilst working for that boss. Remember the time your baby was sick he would not let you have time off. You wanted to attend some event, again he would not grant you the time off. Now you own your own home business its not a problem, personal freedom is just one of the many great benefits of owning your own home business.

Owning your own home business means that you can take care of all your families requirements what ever they maybe. Your own home business will allow you and your loved ones the kind of lifestyle that you deserve. Remember at all times to stay positive and focused on your own home business, even if sales are not up to expectations, at times you may even hear negative comments from people you know, ignore their comments, these people just accept what life as given them, but you know you do not have to accept that, just stay positive and your home business will prove them all wrong and provide you with the lifestyle you use to dream about!

Robert Pickering is webmaster of Switchonprofits Work At Home Directory providing proven legitimate Home Business Ideas. To get a free newsletter providing top tips, and a complete guide to our opportunities available visit

Robert Pickering is webmaster of a website dedicated to helping people like you find a proven, legitmate, home business to ensure you start earning money.

Making Money Online is a really HOT phrase these days. It’s one of the most popular search phrases for on Google, MSN and Yahoo! It conjures up images of being able to sleep in on a lazy, rainy Monday morning, or taking a leisurely stroll in the park, knowing that your online business is raking in the cash! It’s about being free from the volatile job market and having the financial and personal freedom to work anytime, anywhere, anyway you want. But at the back of your mind, you’re asking yourself, “Is it really that easy to set up an Online Business?” Well folks, the answer is YES… and NO. If you’re considering joining the millions of folk who are clicking on the net hoping to make a quick buck, here are a couple of YES’s and NO’s you need to know:

It’s easy-peasy to set up an online business

YES! – Setting up an online business is ridiculously easy these days. Technical innovations make it possible to have your business up and running in a matter of minutes complete with a ready inventory of stuff “guaranteed” to make you tons of money.

NO! – It’s what comes AFTER the setup that’s difficult. Other than the fact that your business operates in cyberspace, everything else about running an online business is the same. You still need a business and marketing plan, advertising and promotional campaigns. It takes hard (brain) work – initially at least!

I’ll be swamped with orders from all over the world!

YES – The beauty of an online business is that your market world-wide! Even if you manage to sell an e-book for only 10 dollars to a fraction of this market, you’d be a very rich man/woman indeed!

NO! – Setting up a website is pretty much like building a hotel on an exotic island. You may have the best beaches, services and products, but nobody’s going to know you exist until you shout it out to the world. That’s probably the hardest and most frustrating aspect of promoting an online business. Building a substantial web presence can be expensive if you want it done quickly OR a long, lonely and tedious journey if you’re on a budget!

Tons of people will visit my website!

YES! – If you have a VERY unique website, product or service, people will quickly pick up on it and you will see other websites and sources driving (people) traffic to your site.

NO! – One SEO (Search Engine Optimization) report estimates that Google well over 5 billion web pages a day! Yours is probably one of many thousands (if not millions) vying for that coveted top spot in search rankings for your category. Unless you have professional SEO people looking into this for you or you are into SEO, you will probably be languishing in page 20 or more for quite a while. Be prepared for this!

Making money online is dirt cheap

YES! – You can get by with free or cheap web hosting, free email, and a battery of free tools to run your online business. There are many people who have made millions with very little investment, but these are the EXCEPTION rather than the rule.

NO! – Eventually, as your online business grows, you will require specialized services like faster web hosting, autoresponders, link management and SEO tools – just to mention a few. The online business arena is a fiercely competitive one where you will be competing with the big boys so you have to be prepared to invest in your online business. It takes money to make money.

My online businesses will guarantee me passive and residual income

YES! – If you’re hardworking, persistent and you approach your online businesses with the same fervor as you would your career, the results will be quite pleasing indeed, hopefully not just for yourself, but for your family and generations to come!

NO! – Statistics show that about 85 % of people who attempt to run an online business eventually give up after a year. These are the folk who either went into it believing the promises that riches will come quickly (and easily) or those that just gave up too soon.

I can relax while my online business makes me tons of money

YES! – Like I said, if you’re persistent, done your homework and invested in technology to automate your online business, you WILL be sleeping in on a lazy, rainy Monday morning and taking long leisurely walks with your kids in the park while others are stuck in a job they hate!

NO! – Like every successful online business owner, you WILL hunger for more success! I love the fact that online businesses allow you to be anywhere in the world at any time of day, to make money! Once you get into the groove, you’re not going to want to sit still while there are money making ideas floating around in that brain of yours!

Multiple streams of income IS possible

Too many people believe that building multiple streams of income is as easy as setting up a website. The truth of the matter is that it takes a conscious and consistent effort to make things work. Many people fall into the trap of trying to do too many things at once. They join a bunch of affiliate programs thinking that they’ll be able to work on all of them at the same time.

Most successful Internet Entrepreneurs will tell you that the best way is to work on one specific online business (or website) until you’ve achieved some level of success before you move on to building the next one. Work on a schedule and give your online business time to grow. Eventually, you will have a network of money making ventures creating multiple streams of income!

In closing, remember this – the online business pie continues to grow at an incredible rate everyday. There’s enough for everyone so dig in and enjoy! Here’s to your success – and mine too!

Andrew Shim is the owner and editor of a website which offers FREE Money Making Ideas for those interested in starting their own freelance or home based business. He and his wife run a successful home catering business. Visit Andrew’s Work At Home Make Money Blog at

If you have spent any time searching at all you know that there are hundreds of opportunities to start an online business. But how can you decide which one to choose and which one you would succeed in? What is the difference between network marketing and an affiliate program? How do you weed out the scams? How can you know whether you will succeed in the business?

If you have absolutely no experience with any online business all this can be quite confusing.
First, how do you find a legitimate online business? In order to be an online business some product or service must be provided. There are continually online moneymaking schemes where you simply send a given amount of money to someone somewhere above you in the scheme. Even if these are called gifting schemes to keep them from being illegal, they are not online businesses. They will not legitimately support you for any length of time.

Look for a product or service you genuinely believe in, because you will be using it yourself as well as promoting it online. One way is to select a product category, such as online marketing information or health products and look at all the online businesses you can find that provide that product or service.

There are essentially three different types of online businesses; network marketing, affiliate programs and sales. In a sales business you promote something online that you buy wholesale or make. You then ship it to customers when they buy it. In an affiliate program you market a product or service for the company that produces it and get a commission for each sale. They ship the product. In a network marketing program you promote the product or service and also recruit others to do the same. You then receive a commission on the sales of those you recruited and those they recruited.

Network marketing programs are often the most popular with newcomers because there the upline, or sponsors have a vested interest in your success and are there to help. These systems are set up in a variety of ways so that you may have two or three people in the level below you and may be paid on the sales of differing numbers of levels below that. They also have different ways of handling your recruits once the given number of levels below you fill up. Be sure you understand the system and compensation plan of any online business you are considering.

Another very important aspect of the business is how you will recruit people. In some online businesses recruiting involves several telephone calls to interested prospects. Do not choose a business like this if you have telephone phobia. In other online businesses most people sign up or buy directly from the web site. In still others paid marketers do the sales and signups for you. These are more expensive to get into, for obvious reasons. Select a recruiting and sales style you are comfortable with.

If you are new to online business a very important factor in the selection of a business is the level of support you will receive. Ask about their education program before you put any money down. Many online businesses today offer free education before you even have to put any money down. You can sign up for a free trial period, check out their educational material and then decide if you think you could make money following it. Basically they should teach you how to use advertising, forums, articles, traffic generators, links and Adwords. Some will teach you more than this and some will teach most but not all of these.

When you have found the product, type of business and education you want, sign up for the online business. Then stick with it. Despite many of the advertising claims you have seen, you are highly unlikely to make a fortune overnight. You are even highly unlikely to make a fortune in a month or two. You need to build the business. You can probably get someone to buy from you or sign up from you in two to three weeks, but you will not reach the full potential of the business in that time. Stick with it for at least six months, doing everything you are told by your sponsor or the educational program.

If you have absolutely no results in the first month, talk with your sponsor and find out what you did wrong. If you keep promoting the online business for a few more months and do not see continuing results, seek out one of the many educational programs online that will teach you, independently, to market your home business. Learn all you can from the free sites, then perhaps sign up for paid assistance if you feel you need it.

One estimate is the 1.25 million people are seeking an online business. With a little effective promotion some of these people can be drawn to your site. Persistence pays off. You will make money if you keep promoting and keep learning.

Lynn Doxon is the mother of three adopted daughters and two stepsons. She works from home writing books and managing an online business at and helping her husband manage an architectural and real estate investment business.

As the Internet has exploded, many people have begun to rely on computers to assist with budgeting. Online personal finance is a multi-billion per year industry. Initially it was popular in helping small businesses with budgeting and tax concerns, but as the computer has become ubiquitous in American homes, average people have begun to regard the computer as indispensible to their personal finance needs.

One of the first, and most attractive, ways that online personal finance tools can help the average person is through automated bill pay. This is a very busy time for the average person who is working more than ever, has a family to attend to, and the many other stresses of day to day life. Automated bill pay is quite simple. The online personal finance software links a personâ??s checking account to their various monthly expenses. It even allows for a person to specify when they would like the bills to be paid. This makes things much easier as this ensures the account is never overdrawn. Most automated payments are made after payday. This can be done for fixed expenses such as Internet or cable TV. Variable expenses can be paid in full or with a specified amount. It not only makes sure that all of the bills are paid and nothing slips through the cracks, resulting in late fees. It also guarantees that the bills are paid before any irresponsible spending takes place. One of the goals of online personal finance is to ensure that a person lives within their means. If all of the bills are paid before any money can be spent this becomes a much more reasonable goal. Certainly there sometimes need to be other changes to one’s spending habits that need to be made, but it’s an important first step.

Another helpful feature of online personal finance is the built in tax software. Not everyone has very complex taxes. Obviously some people don’t have a family and don’t have a house or any investments. These people’s taxes are quite simple to deal with. However most people that are looking to do some budgeting have more complex situations. Real estate is a great investment for the tax breaks it gives. Having online personal finance software saves money by avoiding having to go to a tax professional and ensures there aren’t any mistakes or missed deductions. When people are using online personal finance software to remedy their bad habits, they often overlook tax considerations. Back taxes are often particularly difficult to deal with and online personal finance software can help in this regard. The larger oneâ??s family is or the greater the number of investments someone has, the more likely it is that they have tricky taxes and need online personal finance software.

Jeff Nelson gives advice on money management. His advice helps you to eliminate your debt faster. To make online personal finance easy and set up your Budget for each category you are targeting, visit

A home based business is a great way a person can make an extra income on the side or just get out of the normal grind on the average 9 to 5 job. Millions of people in this country already have an at home at one level or another and are generating billions into the economy. It is no wonder why thousands more a day are getting into the home based business game using informative sites such as

However not everyone is success full at home based business than others. Sites like happily home based makes getting stated easy, but it still up to each individual owner to ensure their own success. Studies have found a few key mistakes that first time home based business owners make. A few of them are the following:

Never get into a home based business on a mere compulsion

Do your research. Make good use of at home business finders like Happily Home Based

Choose a starter business that you can easily understand. If you have little or business experience choose a home business that is cheap to start and easy control to begin with.

Happily Home Based has a wide selection of Home Based Business Opportunities at many different levels of budget and commitment.

If you feel hesitant to take on a home business all by yourself find a partner, a friend, family member, colleague, whatever, to help spread the risk and responsibility out.

Don’t bite off more than you can chew, sums it up.

Don’t give up so soon. Creating home based business from scratch takes time, and you may not get a return on your investment in a matter of weeks. You have to build up reputation and the cliental and money will eventually come in.

There’s nothing wrong with buying an existing business or franchise that can be based at home, in fact, there may be less risk involved if it already has a track record of being successful.

However, it can be hard to track down those for sale that can be done from home, if that’s where your heart is, that’s why websites like Home Based Business for Sale are useful. This is one of the most popular directory sites of its type, featuring home franchise and other home business listings; while providing advice, resources and tools for fledging entrepreneurs.

And finally… Yes unfortunately some business will fail. Always remember that a home based business is a business NOT a hobby, and if you treat it so you will lose money. However, if you do it properly, research your business at sites like, and you will join the millions of American cashing in on at home businesses.

Grab the largest resource of Home Business Opportunity and change your lifestyle with our Home Based Business Opportunities.

With the compulsory transition to fee for service pricing in the financial planning profession by 2012, many commission-based financial planners are left wondering how they will make the switch to fee-for-service.  Commentators in the industry have focused on the difficulties that planners will face in the logistics of making this transition, but what about the impact on clients?

When our firm decided to offer fee for service financial planning it was because we felt that it provided a greater level of holistic services to our clients, plus enabled us to provide a more technical level of financial planning based on strategy and with less bias on recommending products in order to get paid.  Becoming fee for service allowed us to focus more on the needs of our client, and gave us the freedom to give advice in more grassroots areas of financial planning such as budgeting – something which we did under a commissions-based model but we didn’t get paid for this advice.

We have noticed however, a real resistance in the Australian consumer to the fee for service model.  Whilst it is true that the well-informed client comes to us specifically to seek fee for service advice because they believe it is better, there seems to be a large proportion of clients who have become so used to the commissions model, that when faced with the prospect of paying their financial adviser for their advice many baulk at the prospect.  Whilst it’s true that the commission-model client ends up paying more in premiums etc to cover the cost of the commission to their adviser, there is something more challenging in the prospect physically handing over your own money to pay for advice.  In the lead up to the fee for service transition in 2012 this poses some concerns.

In a recent study conducted by GESB, they found that 44% of Australians believe that a five-year financial plan should cost less than $500.  When you consider that the time it takes for a financial planner to meet with a client, research and formulate a financial plan, write a financial plan, then consult and implement that plan is as a minimum 8 hours work that is well below what a financial planner could possibly afford to charge if they want to stay in business!

Why is it that many Australians aren’t prepared to pay a reasonable sum for financial planning advice?  Perhaps it is because the true cost of advice has been hidden from consumers by commissions for so many years.

With the profession transitioning to fee for service by 2012 this raises a concerning issue.  Unless consumers change their stance toward paying a realistic amount for the cost of a financial plan, we believe there will be a significant decline in the number of people who will seek professional financial advice.  This is of course worrying for the viability of the financial planning profession, but of greater concern is the prospect that the overwhelming majority of Australians will not have a financial planner to help them.

For more information on fee for service financial planning and free ebooks and articles, visit our website

Financial Spectrum is a privately owned fee for service financial planning firm based in Sydney, Australia.? To find out more about us, visit our website:

Having access to a debit or credit card can be crucial for some people, especially when it comes to things like shopping online and paying bills. Cash is a hassle, and is widely frowned upon in the online shopping world and bill payments areas. You can’t buy a new computer desk online and send the company $200 in cash. You either have to have a money order, a check, or a credit or debit card. The prepaid Visa debit card allows more people to have access to buy the things that they want and spend the money that they need when they can’t get approved for a regular debit card or credit card.

Even if you have other credit cards or a checking account, using a prepaid Visa debit card can help you to manage your expenses much better than you would without it. You can do just about anything with a prepaid Visa debit card, because it will work the same as a traditional debit card. However, you can control how much money you have, and how much you spend. You can put just enough on there for your online purchase, and then if someone gets the information about your transaction, they won’t be able to spend money and rack up charges in your name, because there’s no more money on the card.

A prepaid Visa debit card is also a great alternative to traditional cards for kids, and is often more helpful than giving them cash. By giving them a prepaid debit card, you’re teaching them how to keep track of their spending and know how much they have at all times. You’re also showing them how the credit world works, and saving them the hassle of carrying around a bunch of cash. Every prepaid Visa debit card will let you withdraw money from an ATM, so if they do need cash, they can get it that way, which also teaches them more real-world skills than just handing them money.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t get approved for other cards, or if you just want a better way to shop online or manage your spending. Getting a prepaid Visa debit card is a great option for everyone with every need. Many companies offer these cards with no fees or extra charges for getting them, which makes them affordable, too. There is plenty that prepaid cards can do, whether you need them or just want them for your financial needs.

To get a Prepaid Visa debit card, or to learn more, visit Clevercash.

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